A FRESH Experience for Leading Teams

Team Leaders are the key to an employees experience at work and are responsible to create the space for teams to thrive.
The F.R.E.S.H. Now experience equips team leaders with
impactful, practical, actionable resources and support
to stop their energy drain and constant overwhelm,
save so. much. time. no longer wondering 'what do I do next'
and reduce perpetual worry about losing your talent.

Using F.R.E.S.H. Now, team leaders develop their own skills and mindset, and the team's, with step-by-step guides for all activities and conversations igniting the team's energy and performance

and unleashing each employee's wholehearted contribution.

A FRESH Experience for Leading Teams

Team Leaders are the key to an employees experience at work and are responsible to create the space for teams to thrive.
The F.R.E.S.H. Now experience equips team leaders with
impactful, practical, actionable resources and support
to stop their energy drain and constant overwhelm,
save so. much. time. no longer wondering 'what do I do next'
and reduce perpetual worry about losing your talent.

Using F.R.E.S.H. Now, team leaders develop their own skills and mindset, and the team's, with step-by-step guides for all activities and conversations igniting the team's energy and performance

and unleashing each employee's wholehearted contribution.


Futurize your team by being ready for what is emerging next, with eyes on the horizon to what could be coming, having a shared purpose and values and actively accessing collective wisdom to fuel all actions.


Realize where your team is now, by building collective awareness of the current capabilities and challenges, enhancing their readiness, resourcefulness and resilience to commit to each other and to take right action, moving the team toward its full potential.


Energize the team to be engaged, inspired and moving forward collectively with courage, competence and connection with each team member being radically responsible for their energy and effort to create a thriving team, ready to pivot and perform.


Systemize the team by building fit for purpose processes and ways of working designed for the team's uniqueness, ensuring commitment and moving to mastery for all team members.


Harmonize your team by appreciating the collective journey we are on, grateful for this unique set of humans; creating authentic connections for all to whole-heartedly contribute, where everyone belongs, is accepted and valued.

↓ To learn more, watch the video below ↓

If you are looking for ways to transform your workplace and the experience of your team,

F.R.E.S.H. Now is a MUST-HAVE for your organization.

Are you ready

to create a

F.R.E.S.H. team?

If you are ready to unlock the key to your leadership potential, unleash your team's engagement, energy and connection and

become the talk of your organization,

if you are ready to create a F.R.E.S.H. team now...

The Future Is In Your Hands

a 7-min Read

Are you ready

to create a

F.R.E.S.H. team?

If you are ready to unlock the key to your leadership potential, unleash your team's engagement, energy and connection and

become the talk of your organization,

if you are ready to create a F.R.E.S.H. team now...

The Future Is In Your Hands

a 7-min Read

Helen Morley
Helen is a living example of honouring all individuals, valuing their experiences to bring out the wisdom that resides in every one of us.

Helen brings a wealth of wisdom and expertise to every engagement. She is most alive when creating and co-creating with

colleagues and clients.

Cathy Anderson
Cathy is a highly skillful and dynamic facilitator and coach with over twenty years experience designing and delivering excellent learning experiences for her clients.

Cathy has a knack for bringing people together to learn and engage, using many tools to bring the learning alive.

Our Collective Experience and Expertise

Team Matters Ltd. brings together the over 50 years of experience and expertise of our founders, Helen Morley and Cathy Anderson.

Our decision to join forces was born from our belief that
'We are Better Together'.

We are committed to making a difference by creating better workplaces through the support and development of leaders, especially team leaders who directly impact their employees.

Meet The Team

Helen Morley
Helen is a living example of honouring all individuals, valuing their experiences to bring out the wisdom that resides in every one of us.

Helen brings a wealth of wisdom and expertise to every engagement. She is most alive when creating and co-creating with

colleagues and clients.

Cathy Anderson
Cathy is a highly skillful and dynamic facilitator and coach with over twenty years experience designing and delivering excellent learning experiences for her clients.

Cathy has a knack for bringing people together to learn and engage, using many tools to bring the learning alive.

Our Collective Experience and Expertise

Team Matters Ltd. brings together the over 50 years of experience and expertise of our founders, Helen Morley and Cathy Anderson.

Our decision to join forces was born from our belief that
'We are Better Together'.

We are committed to making a difference by creating better workplaces through the support and development of leaders, especially team leaders who directly impact their employees.

Our Purpose

We equip team leaders with impactful, actionable resources to
ignite the team's energy and performance, and
unleash each employee's wholehearted contribution.

Our Why


Work should never be soul sucking
- we can do better!

Leaders create the space for their teams to thrive
- when leaders own this, the team transforms.

Together, all team members are
radically responsible for the team experience
- when the team owns this, their work world transforms.


of F.R.E.S.H. now Quick Start

Here you will be introduced to our proven F.R.E.S.H now framework with a sampling of tools and practices to begin

navigating workplace challenges,

develop your ability to lead, and

start to create your F.R.E.S.H. team now.

Are you ready to create a F.R.E.S.H. team?

Copyright - Team Matters - All Rights Reserved

A FRESH Experience for Leading Teams